Friday, 11 July 2014

Crunch time

The idea of living in this world is that we never can really get ready for all these life changes beforehand, even when we expect them to happen. Everyone wants to change their life for the better, they say that everything happens for the best, but at the same time we can't stop have this feeling that something may go wrong. Bad things happen even to good people and we can't do anything about it, these things come along against our wishes so often. Life changes and we never know which “today” could provide our life’s next turning point. After all time is slipping away, I'm just scared that I may regret about all that time wasted for nothing.
Суть в том, что нельзя подготовиться ко всем этим переменам в жизни заранее, даже если предчувствуешь их, предугадываешь их наступление. Все говорят - перемены к лучшему, каждый жаждет этих перемен, чтобы именно в их жизни произошло нечто новое, стоящее. И в то же время вероятность того, что все пойдет не так страшит неимоверно, ожидания того, что может случится нечто непоправимое, дурное, горькое, что-то против нашей воли присущи каждому. Жизнь меняется и переломный момент наступит ни смотря ни на что, это нельзя предотвратить. А время уходит. Возможно впоследствии я буду сожалеть, что тратила его так бездумно.
pants: Guess/ flats: Centro/ Sweatshirt & backpack: Oasap/ bracelet: handmade
With best wishes, Alexandra.


  1. Все мы когда-то о чем-то сожалеем и о времени, потраченном, как в последствии кажется, в пустую, но в те моменты, возможно это было, или казалось, важным для нас. А перемен не избежать, как внешних, так и внутренних...

    Сашенька, не могу не отметить чудеснейший браслет, не удивлюсь, что это твое творение) И кофта!!! Совершенно потрясающая!

    1. Да, сама:) Спасибо большое, Алена!

  2. Красивый образ, рюкзак очень его оживил! Отличных выходных!

  3. Привет! Ни о чем не жалей! А я вот кольцо нашла и носила его и в моей жизни начался ад, я просто не понимала как это вдруг теперь стало моей реальностью и я перестала кольцо носить, никогда не носите чужих колец!

  4. вот вроде и casual образ, а насколько он гармоничный и стильный! все продумано до мелочей! очень понравился твой браслет handmade. Рюкзак обалденный!
    Сашуль, хороших выходных! и пусть только хорошие перемены произойдут:))

  5. So classy and gorgeous. I am completely in love with your top and bag super perfect.

  6. Рюкзак так хорошо сочетается со свитшотом! Классный браслет! Хороших выходных))

  7. Ah man, wasting time is something that terrifies me. We get so little of it in life, so we have to be smart in how we spend it! I hope to fill it with time well spent with loved ones, doing things that I love, and traveling <3
    Anyway, love your outfit and the cute little backpack!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  8. классный свитшот!
    ну вот) как ты глубоко копаешь))) сейчас же лето! ни о чем не думай и не сожалей!

    1. Когда человек ни о чем не думает, не это ли есть полная деградация мозга? И потом, я не считаю, что время года способно в глобальном плане повлиять на образ мышления и восприятия окружающего мира.

  9. Thanks for your lovely words on my last post!
    I love this outfit - the shirt is so pretty!
    Sometimes I also have these thoughts but we need to remind ourselves that we will never know what was the best thing to do...

    Have a great day,

  10. Рюкзак просто покорил. Такая классная вещь! И отлично гармонирует с топом.

    Fashion blog Shoponista

  11. There is a very timeless feel to this look...perhaps because of the colours...beige and white that dominate this outfit are always very elegant. The accessories are also really nice, I especially like that bracelet with pearls and a cross. The backpack is really adorable and reminds me of the time when I used to wear backpacks ( I was thinking about doing it again). Anyhow, I really do think this outfit is really sophisticated and lovely. The painting on that sweater adds to that timeless feel I said I sensed.

    While there are things we regard as timeless, sometimes I do wonder what is really timeless. Life seem to be passing so quickly, it's hard to make sense even of things that happen in that little universe of our personal life, let alone grasp the bigger picture. Still, I think it is important to surround ourselves with beauty, both the physical and the emotional one. There is something timeless to be found in beauty...and perhaps that timeless quality is how we can sometimes trick the time and make it linger for a little longer...

  12. Прекрасный браслет и фото чудесные! А перемены пусть будут только хорошие!

  13. Hi darling, I fully agree, bad things happen too often to good people and that can be difficult to overcome. Time passes by too fast so we need to do everything we want and plan to, before we regret it. Love this beautiful and quint sweater, I want one too! The bag is so pretty.Thanks for your lovely words over at mine.

  14. We should really be aware of all the precious time that's slipping away because of useless things
    i really like your outfit though,the sweater is super cute

  15. Очень верные слова! Мы все жаждем перемен,но неизвестно, что же они нам принесут.Но всё же стоит надеются и верить, что они будут благоприятными и стоящими! И конечно,тратить своё время с умом и верить в лучшее!
    Люблю твой блог за всегда интересные и глубокие размышления..)
    Желаю позитивных и прекрасных выходных)

  16. потрясающий образ, аксессуары роскошные)

  17. Lovely backpack, I saw it on Oasap and it tempted me ;)

  18. ух ты вот это образ!!!
    очень необычно,отлично выглядишь

  19. прекрасная молодая девушка! люблю твой стиль:)

  20. Must agree with you dear, life has its funny way of giving out changes. :)
    I love how thoughtful your words are as much as I love your outfit! Your top is sooo cute!!! I love the print so much. Somehow it reminds me of a very beautiful painting :) And did I mention your bag? how lovely is that! I am always a fan of florals!
    I guess changes in life are inevitable and there are times that we can't help ourselves but to fear. The important thing is just for us to stay happy. :)))

    love lots,

  21. I agree to what you say but I dont think that there is time spend for "nothing". There is no "nothing" and we should not regret anything, thats what I believe :) but I am also sometimes afraid of what will happen and about upcoming changes, especially now where I try to find out what I want to do in life and those kind of things...
    Anyway, your outfit is super pretty and I was very grateful for your last comment. I will try the peeling with oats some day!
    Lots of love!

  22. Как же мне нравится этот свитшот! Он такой лаконичный и женственный. Мне кажется, что браслет ему в пару идеально подходит)

  23. Я тоже постоянно думаю о том, что не достаточно ценю время. Не использую его по максимуму...
    Ты изумительно выглядишь! Современно, но романтично!

  24. Hi there! I love the floral backpack and the neutral look :) you look gorgeous as always!
    And about what you wrote, don't be afraid of having wasted time. I know it sounds super cheesy but if things happened in a different way, you would not be the person you are now and that is something you should be happy about. We all have those thoughts in our minds sometimes, so just stay positive girl!


  25. I always enjoy reading your texts even though sometimes they take me to another dimension...
    You look so lovely... love the print of the painting on your sweater and that backpack is stunning! Love it so much! You look lovely my dear Alexandra!

  26. WoW! Sophisticated and charming appearance ;) Adorable sweater and fantastic backpack...You are so chic <3

  27. One thing is absolutely sure, dear Alexandra, it wasn't waisted time to create, wear and picture this wonderful outfit! You look happy and beautiful and I adore the sweater <3 But I have also the opinion that we tend to waste time for things which aren't important ... and this although each second of each life is so precious! I try really to avoid to waste my time and to complain - as I don't know what will be tomorrow - but honestly I'm not always successful ...

    Wish you a wonderful new week only with things which aren't waisted time.

    xx from Germany, Rena

  28. I think we dont waste time for nothing... Everything happens for a reason, so it´s not wasted but spent. The look is great, love the sweater.
    Kisses pretty
    Fashion Avenue

  29. Time is very precious, we need to do the things we wish to do as we don't get a second chance really. You look wonderful, love the top and sweet bag too :) Wish you a wonderful new week xx

  30. Oh absolutely agree with you, Alexandra. Life is a big challenge and I don't think there is a person who can stand up and say "I am ready to left my teenage years" or "I am ready for kids at the age of 23" etc. But in the end it is important for you to have chosen to step out of your comfort zone. There is a quote I really like "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you" (I may have said this before).

    About the outfit - what a cute backpack! I usually don't like backpacks but this one looks so fashion! And love the bracelet and the shoes! Very nice outfit! Have a great day! :)

  31. This shirt is a perfect mix and match with the backpack, I love it!

  32. Very cute floral backpack and I love the heels you chose. Very stylish and original! You look marvelous

  33. Очень красивый образ! И пост как всегда очень душевный, приятно читать такое))
    Добро пожаловать>Baby’s On Fire Blog

  34. It such a nice word "After all time is slipping away, I'm just scared that I may regret about all that time wasted for nothing."
    We always get ready for something good, something better but when life says no, it just sometimes, hard to accept for what is happening, why did it happen and so on. But even bad things may bring us to be better, right?
    Anyway, I really love your look. You look so beautiful! Your vintage shirt is a bomb, and your bracelet is so beautiful.


  35. Lovely thoughts you have put across in this post. I agree with you :)
    Love the sweatshirt. Its super cute :)

  36. Рюкзачок хороший)

    А вообще сама часто задумываюсь о трате времени..особенно летом(

  37. Wonderful photography and poses! Yes, lets hope when we hit old age, we don't have many regrets, xoxo.

  38. You look amazing dear! I love your sweatshirt and bracelet! Really pretty choices <3
    Have a great new week!

  39. Alexandra, I think in this post you are speaking my thoughts! I just very recently thought of situations like this! Few days ago I felt very, very happy- so happy that I thought that something will go terribly wrong. Because if I feel so happy something or someone ( or even me) could jinx it and I am very scared of that!
    Anyways, I really love this outfit- I think every piece goes so well together! One of my favorite outfits of yours!

  40. You're right, but it's only normal to think about the future and what might happen - but always know, that out of every situation there is something to learn! Love this backpack of yours.

  41. Потрясающий образ! такой спокойный и стильный)
    рюкзак суперский)) глядя на такие фото, начинаю любить рюкзаки)

    Elena Maksudy

  42. Lovely outfit, your sweater is amazing and this bracelet is very elegant too ! :)

  43. I definitely think we should do the most with the time we have. Have a great day!

  44. You look amazing, beautiful outfit! Do you have instagram?

  45. Girl, you look absolutely lovely in this great summer look! And I loooove the vintage-look of your adorable backpack! Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful summer! xoxo

  46. I really love the contrast of the sweatshirt and the bag! So serene and calming! Perfect!

  47. The backpack and the sweatshirt give this casual outfit such a cute vintage edge! As a vintage fashion lover, I am totally inspired :) Will be watching out for your posts from now on :)

    Melissa x

    Vintage Tea Roses

  48. You did a great job at pairing accessories for your look. They all have that antique vintage look and compliment your sweater very well!

    House of Illusions

  49. Уютный лук и добрые глаза) а в словах грусть. Я раньше чуть ли не молила о переменах. Оптимистка по жизни, всегда верю, что впереди только лучшее.
    Но вот на горизонте замаячили перспективы, а я вдруг бью по тормозам! И не то чтобы боюсь плохого, нет. Что-то новое - это тоже хорошо, движение вперед, сама жизнь. Но, божечьки, как страшно!!!!!!!!!!!! до потери пульса и потемнения в глазах.
    На днях услышала интересную мысль. Женщина очень переживала за своего сына, он серьезно заболел и все могло закончится плохо, но обошлось. А старшая дочь ей сказала, что никогда нельзя бояться за кого-либо, нужно просто крепко-накрепко поверить, что у них все будет хорошо и по-другому просто не может быть. Отпустить страх и верить, что с детьми никогда ничего плохого не случится.
    Не нужно привлекать к себе зло. Учимся притягивать свет)


Thank you for all of your sweet words or maybe criticism:) Feel free to leave your comment here! U are always welcomed ;)

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